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Daniel Everett with the Pirahã |
L. Everett arrived among the Pirahã
his wife and three young children hoping to convert the tribe to
Christianity. Everett quickly became
obsessed with their language and its cultural and linguistic implications. The Pirahã have no counting system, no
fixed terms for colour, no concept of war, and no personal property. Everett was so impressed with their peaceful
way of life that he eventually lost faith in the God he’d hoped to introduce to
them, and instead devoted his life to the science of linguistics. Part passionate memoir, part scientific
exploration, Everett’s life-changing tale is a riveting look into the nature of
language, thought, and life itself.
As a representative of the
Summer Institute of Linquistics (SIL) missionary Everett believed that the most
effective way to evangelize indigenous peoples was to translate the New
Testament into their language. Since SIL
also believes that the Bible is literally the word of God, then, it is
reasoned, the Bible should beable to speak for itself. But efforts to convert these peoples where
for naught. The Pirahã were not
interested in his message or Jesus. As
Everett later relates:
“I had gone to the Pirahãs to tell them about Jesus and,
in I my opinion at that time, to give
them an opportunity to choose purpose over pointlessness, to
choose life over death, to choose joy and faith
over despair and fear, to choose heaven over hell.
If the Pirahãs had understood the gospel and
were nevertheless rejecting it, that was one thing.
But perhaps they had not understood it. This was a strong possibility,
since my speaking ability in the Pirahã language was still far from native.
On another occasion during that
first period with the Pirahãs, I felt I understood
their language well enough to give my own story about why I accepted Jesus as my savior. This is a common
practice among evangelical Christians, called ‘giving
your testimony’. The idea is that the worse your life was before you accepted Jesus, the
greater the miracle of your salvation and the greater the motive of
unbelievers in the audience to accept Jesus
too. Obviously, this is tempered by the
missionary’s desire to convert people to his or her own concept of truth, but
worse things are known and the relative effect of proselytizing varies from
people to people.
However, as Everett was to eventually discover
that the Pirahã believe only what they see, saying:
“Sometimes they also believe in
things that someone else has told them, so long as that person has personally
witnessed what he or she is reporting. The
Pirahãs live purely in the present the way the early Christian mystics
discovered and recommended many years ago. Everett eventually came to question
“Is it possible
to live a life without the crutches of religion and truth?” and responds “The Pirahãs do so live.
They share some of our concerns, of course, since many of our concerns derive from our biology, independent of our culture (our cultures attribute
meanings to otherwise ineffable, but no less real, concerns). But they live most of their lives outside these
because they have independently discovered the usefulness of living one day at a time. They simply
make the immediate their focus of
concentration, and thereby, at a single stroke, they eliminate huge sources of
worry, fear, and despair that plague so many of us in Western societies. They have no craving for truth as a
transcendental reality. Indeed, the concept has
no place in their values. Truth to the Pirahãs is catching a fish, rowing a canoe, laughing
with your children, loving your brother, dying
of malaria. Does this make them more primitive? Many anthropologists have suggested so,
which is why they are so concerned about finding out the Pirahas' notions about God, the world, and creation.”
Everett finally suggests to his readers
“But there is
an interesting alternative way to think about things. Perhaps it is the presence of these
concerns that makes a culture more primitive, and their absence that renders a culture more sophisticated. If that is true, the Pirahãs are a
very sophisticated people. Does this sound far-fetched? Let's ask ourselves if it is more sophisticated to
look at the
universe with worry, concern, and a belief that we can understand it all, or to enjoy life as
it comes, recognizing the likely futility of looking for truth or God? The Pirahãs have built their culture around what is useful to their survival. They don't worry about
what they don't know, nor do they think they can or do know it all. Likewise, they do not crave the products
of others' knowledge or solutions. Their views, not so much as I summarize them dryly here, but as
they are lived out in the Pirahãs' daily lives, have been extremely helpful to me and persuasive as I have
looked at my own life and the beliefs that I held, many of them without warrant. Much of what I am today,
including my non-theistic view of the world, I owe at
least in part to the Pirahãs”.
Yes, this is a true story about a missionary who
set out to exploit an uneducated and primitive tribe deep in the jungle of the
Amazon and find a people who practiced their beliefs as Jesus taught nearly two
thousand years ago. When Daniel Everett emerged
after nearly two decades with this tribe it was he who was evangelized instead. As a result he painfully discovered that his original
beliefs no longer served him but at the terrible expense of his and family and
friends because he no longer shares their foundational beliefs.
But before we judge him we must consider
what missionaries did for hundreds of years previous in their attempt to
convert the so called pagans in the world.
How many aboriginals were separated from their religion and families
worldwide in the name of Christian evangelization? What pain and suffering was put upon these
innocent victims that are only now being recognized?
Finally, we must ask ourselves “what is
evangelization really about?”
tells us “Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And
behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mat. 28:19-20). Jesus evangelized simply through leading by
example. And for us it must begin just
like Jesus by recognizing that the life we live is not about us but by allowing
God to live his life through us. Only in this way can we be
fully equipped to serve others by healing the sick, bring the dead back to
life, heal those who suffer, drive out demons, feed the hungry, etc.,
etc., It is really that simple! When we set out to evangelize others it will
be good to remember that God meets us where we are – not where others would
have us be. Perhaps in that way we too we will experience a renewed understanding
of what it means to evangelize.
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