Saturday, 10 May 2008

Called to be Christian?

Dear Christian: (originally written October 2006)
As a convert, practicing and active Catholic in our local parish and diocese, I am disappointed to see so many people pronouncing judgment on the world, on every imaginable issue, when Jesus clearly warned us against doing so.. . . .
  • Why, do so many Christians align themselves with those who feel it is necessary to condemn so many people whose shoes they have not worn?
  • Why are so many among you so ready to cast the first stone?
  • Why are so many among you fearful of those who Jesus called to dine with him?
  • Why do so many among you proclaim to speak conditionally on behalf of the One who loves all humankind unconditionally?
  • Why have so many among you forgotten Jesus’ greatest commandment?
  • Why have so many among you chosen to hide behind 'rules and regulations' when Jesus clearly came to open hearts and minds?
  • Why have so few of you chosen to seek the gifts of Counsel, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Discernment, Peace and Awe?
  • Why have so many of you, so often, refused God’s greatest gift - Love?
  • Why do so many of you believe that God needs you to defend him?
  • Why do so many of you believe that what God allows to happen, no matter what, is contrary to his will?
  • Why do so many of you believe that your Creator is impotent and unable to deal with all of the worlds’ problems?
  • Why do so many of you believe in separating yourself from others when God calls us all as one?
  • Why have so many of you shut yourself out of God’s Kingdom?
  • Why are so many of you passionate about your beliefs instead of God?
  • When did you stop trusting in God's love?
  • When did you stop believing that in Him there is no condemnation?
  • When did you stop believing that you are God’s Holy creations, called to do Holy Work?
  • When did you stop believing that you are God’s co-creators?
  • When did you stop believing that you were created in God’s image, as is every other human creature?
  • When did you stop believing that God created you to listen, speak and act with the ears of your heart?
  • When did you stop believing that you are not a mistake– and neither is your neighbour?
  • When did you stop believing that God’s Kingdom starts here on earth?
  • When did you stop believing that God cannot turn all things to good?
  • When did you stop believing that God called you to become like his Son?
  • When did you stop believing that you are called to do even greater things then Jesus?
  • When did you stop believing that you are called to bring healing, mercy and understanding – instead of condemnation?
All things are possible to those who believe in God!!!!

May the Peace of Christ be with you - from this day onward,

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