Have we forgotten that all early religions did not have access to a complete Bible, Torah, Koran, etc., or a hierarchical religious institution, as we know it today, to provide them with ready answers? Religion of the word somehow bypasses that ancient engagement with mystery. Religion seeks to undermine this tradition labeling it ‘animism’, ‘paganism’ or ‘spiritual darkness’. Have we forgotten that God has been wonderfully at work, long before formal religion ever began to evolve?
Yet, somehow today, we have dismissed our internal God mystery in favour of strict rules and regulations to be observed & interpreted only by those in power. Hardly a day goes by when we are not engaged in heated discussions about who is right and who is wrong. Who is in and who is out! Is this destructive form of institutionalized religion, in large measure, not the result of an obsessive concern for order and predictability? Why do we so easily submit to the authority of the institution, by quoting this and that, he or she, instead of listening to the mystery of God in our heart.
The Golden Eagle
A man found an eagle's egg and put it in the nest of a backyard hen. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them.
All his life the eagle did what the backyard chickens did, thinking he was a backyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air.
Years passed on the eagle grew very old. One day he saw a magnificent bird far above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty among the powerful wind currents, with scarcely a a beat of its strong golden wings.
The old eagle looked up in awe, "Who's that?" he asked.
That's the eagle, the king of the sky. We belong to the earth - we're chickens."
So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that's what he thought he was. - Anthony de Mello
Regardless, of our religion, race or culture we are all God's creatures designed to soar!
Diarmuid O’Murchu, Religion in Exile, Crossroad Publishing,
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